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Archive for the ‘Increase Metabolism’ Category

The Hidden Cause Of Weight-Loss Failure
Ignored Or Missed By Nearly Everyone!

In this remarkable book you’ll learn exactly how to ‘side-step’ this problem and literally catapult yourself to success past all others…

What most people don’t realize is that the primary cause of many diet failures is not physiological. It’s psychological! The mental programming locked deep in your subconscious mind might be the ONLY thing preventing you from reaching your goals.

This programming is like software in your brain that’s controlling your behaviors and keeping you fat. This explains why so many people skip workouts, have uncontrollable cravings, or sabotage themselves and don’t know why.

You can’t fight your own subconscious — you’ll always lose.

The only way to achieve your goals is to change the mental programming.

Success coaches like Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and nearly every other personal development expert have taught these “mind-training” secrets to businesspeople and professional athletes for years. But the fitness community has been practically ignoring this vital key to goal achievement in weight loss.

In addition to mastering your physiology, Maximize Your Metabolism also teaches you the psychology behind permanently fat loss.

The power of the mind is the hidden final piece of the fat-loss puzzle — it’s awesomely powerful, and now you can learn how to tap into your infinite reservoir of mental energy and harness this force to achieve massive results you may not have believed were possible for you. Think about it. You will…

  • Amaze your friends with your new body

  • Rewire your brain for success and build strong will-power

  • Develop consistency in your life

  • Be lean, tight and strong, with a “killer” figure

  • Turn heads at the next social gathering

  • Catch the eye of that special someone you’ve wanted to meet

  • Possess loads of energy to do anything you wish

  • Have more time to spend with family and friends because you’re more efficient

  • Wear clothes that haven’t fit in years

  • Have smaller-sized clothes easily slide onto your new tight body

  • Control your emotional states at will

  • Save tons of money by stopping worthless diets and expensive equipment

  • Banish cravings immediately and forever

  • Remove self-sabotaging behaviors

  • Develop unstoppable persistence

  • Learn to set powerful goals that focus and motivate you

  • Strengthen your mind-body connection

…And so much more!

Maximize Your Metabolism
How To Double Your Metabolism
In 30 Days Or Less!

A Safe, Healthy, All-Natural Way That
People Can Use To Burn Fat Faster By
Doubling Their Metabolism In 30 Days Or Less!

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If you’re looking for your correct weight for height i’m going to tell you something that you may find controversial. For a moment i want you to disregard any BMI charts or any other sources that suggest that your weight should correspond to your height. As a personal trainer for just over seven years, this is a question that i have to answer frequently and my reply is always the same.Before you set any kind of goal on the amount of weight you would like to lose you will need to sit down and use your imagination to picture an image of the way you would like your body to look without thinking about how much you would weigh. Regardless of what your BMI says your correct weight for height is the fact of the matter remains that everybody is unique and utilizes macronutrients differently (Macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories or energy. Nutrients are substances needed for growth, metabolism, and for other body functions. Since “macro” means large, macronutrients are nutrients needed in large amounts. There are three macronutrients: Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat).

Have you ever imagined your body at its highest level of fitness? Given our height would stay the same you would be surprised how many people would choose to imagine the weight that does not correspond with what the BMI index chart says is the best weight for you, or you should weigh.

What this tells us is that BMI and other charts that predict our correct weight for height are useless, you’re not the average Joe, you need to understand your body and understand what’s best for your body when losing weight. If you’re having trouble with this there are Doctor and Nutritionist run Diet Programs which can offer you advice from on hand dietitians and can help you set out meals plans that are nutritionally balanced and perfect for losing weight.

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Start leading a healthier lifestyle with a Diet Program – Factual Reviews & Consumer Experiences on Health Products.

your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. Everyone has a different metabolism according to their age, weight, height, level of activity, and percentage of muscle and body fat. You can get a rough estimate of your daily calorie expenditure by using the calorie calculators posted on any health or fitness website. However, if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, are a competitive athlete, or have a metabolic disease such as diabetes, a calorie calculator may not be an accurate way of calculating your metabolism. Most of the things you can do to raise your metabolism are simple, easy, and don’t take much extra time. You simply have to commit to doing them and they will soon begin to work their magic. Here are the most effective methods of raising your metabolism:1) Drink green tea. The levels of EGCG in green tea has been shown to help the body burn more fat throughout the day. Just make sure that you are either drinking hot tea or diet tea, if it is cold. 2) Drink cold beverages. Your body must expend a certain amount of energy in order to keep your body temperature at 98.6 degrees. By drinking cold beverages, you force your body to work harder to maintain overall body temperature, thus burning more fat. Another version of this is to take warm showers instead of hot ones. You’ll raise your metabolism and save money on water heating bills! 3) Eat whole foods. Whole foods are much more complex than processed foods, as they contain a variety of nutrients such as fiber, protein, and carbohydrates that your body must work to break down during digestion. Processed foods have already been broken down during manufacturing, thus lowering the amount of work required to digest them. 4) Eat more protein. Protein must be chemically converted by your body before being used, so 30% of the calories you get from protein will go directly toward digesting it. This is the highest energy expenditure of any food nutrient. 5) Add cardiovascular exercise to your daily routine. If you work out hard enough, your body will still be recovering from your workout hours after it’s over, and thus continuing to burn calories. 6) Strength train. Weight training sends the message to the brain to build more muscle tissue, therefore continues to burn fat days after your workout. 7) Eat more frequently. Consuming small amounts of food throughout the day ensures that your body is continuously working to burn fat 8) Eat varying amounts of calories each day. Most people believe that to lose weight, you should take in a small amount of calories for an extended period of time. However, our bodies are designed to adapt to situations in order to maintain stability. That means that your body will soon get used to using a small amount of calories, and will slow its metabolism to make the energy last longer. Occasionally taking in larger amounts of food jumpstarts your metabolism and ensures that you continue to burn calories at the same rate. 9) Make small lifestyle changes. Doing a few extra things throughout the day can really add up in the end. Park your car a block farther away than you usually do. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take a short walk during your coffee breaks instead of surfing the web. The accumulated affect of all of these things will really give you an edge on fat burning As you can see, these tips are easy and don’t cost much in the end, so they are a great complement to any good diet and fitness plan. In the last section, we will add some special advice for different segments of the population, including men, women, seniors, and youth.

To your Health

John Hartie

About the Author

John Hartie is a recognised authority on fat burning foods ,his website, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you will need to know about fat burning foods.