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Do make sure you … don’t make these 4 common mistakes

Yes, believe it or not, so many people (including myself before) mess up when trying to catch cheating …. even for those who already know.

Fatal Mistake #1: Confronting Them Without Evidence

Horrible blunder that’s the most common…. don’t risk it. Unfortunately, too many people learn this the hard way. Luckily, it’s the most obvious and easiest to avoid.

Fatal Mistake #2: Trusting That Your Relationship is “Special”

This is always the result of an ego that can’t let go for it’s own good. Remember how you can always analyze someone else’s drama and relationship troubles?

You just can’t do it well for yourself – and it’s not your fault. It’s our own emotions controlling us. No one thinks this can happen to them – but it DOES!

You might also indulge in anything positive your partner throws at you. Don’t fall for it. This is a trick… like an oasis appearing in a desert because they have starved you so BADLY of physical affection and/or emotional care. This nourishing trickery can be in the form of sudden physical intimacy from a woman or romantic and thoughtful words from a man.

Realize that you’re being manipulated against your will here, both by your own mind and very likely them as well … break the scheme before it’s too late.

Fatal Mistake #3: Fearing The Consequences And Willing To “Live With Lies”

Don’t read any further and leave this page right now if you aren’t willing to demand respect for yourself… because DEEP DOWN INSIDE … you know you need the TRUTH for any HEALTHY relationship, even if it’s one you want to save. You’re doing yourself a major disservice by being treated like a doormat.

DO NOT expect a cheater to come clean, they simply will hurt you further if you stay passive… I’ve seen enough cases!

I‘ve been that scared “whipped” spouse and it was sickening because the cycle ANNIHILATES your self-assurance subconsciously. This creates a tremendous cost on your emotional, social, and even physical health later. Do something about it.

Fatal Mistake #4: Believing That You Can Solve This On Your Own Using Some “Catch Cheating” Tools

Yes, I’ve made this disastrous mistake by believing that I could get what I wanted by using semen kits, “private eye” tools, and amateur surveillance cameras. Several times, I remember being terrified that I’d get caught… and the evidence was still not found with these tools.

Trust me, most of these take a significant learning curve to execute the “remote monitoring” or “evidence extraction” in a non-risky manner. That’s why real, QUALITY private investigators charge thousands for their services. It’s not easy and you don’t have time to waste nor care.

That’s what I call “playing Russian roulette with your life”

Now here’s my secret tip for you…. >>>

Have you ever wondered whether your partner or lover has ever cheated on you online?

It’s completely normal to be curious and actually very important to be sure.

This can be a very serious matter that requires plenty of precaution. Approach this with care.

You should be aware that the internet is growing at such a rapid pace that sites specifically dedicated to helping married couples land an outside affair are springing up. This is shocking but true.

The bad thing about this for couples is that this gives their partner far more options to find something outside of their relationships if they so wish. Imagine what could be happening over cyberspace behind close doors or at his or her work.

I am going to reveal to you a few sites that people will frequent when trying to cheat on the internet.

>> Craigslist Personals
>> Myspace Dating
>> AdultFriendFinder

That’s only the tip of the iceberg….

After extensive undercover research and helping many, many clients … one underground infidelity expert shows that these have been where a lot of not-so-innocent flirting takes place.

So I genuinely believe that anyone who has a hint of suspicion in this matter be aware of this potential activity. However, with this in mind, approach it extremely lightly because you don’t want to hurt the relationship in any way.

If you can check their email account, it will be wise to do a message history search for those sites to see if there are messages coming from those places. For example, Gmail always has these messages archived or saved even if he deletes them.

Another one of the easiest ways to recognize a red flag is to mention a story about how people use these sites for meeting. It can be some interesting article or news about Craigslist or Myspace for example. Just something indirect is totally fine.

An easy-to-follow way would be to search for bizarre Myspace stories and find something that would be interesting to mention. There are so many just sitting on the internet waiting for you to find. I’d focus on one where it involves relationships or infidelity so it becomes a subconscious reminder.

Watch closely for any hint or discomfort that appears as this conversation comes up. If you know your partner on an intimate level, you should have a finger on what defines uncomfortable body language.

That’s a safe start.

P.S. I highly recommend you see the free “Sure Fire Signs” report here, it’s valuable for anyone who may suspect this ever … and at worst, it’s great to keep just in case…. —-> <—–

The Top Question To Ask Yourself When Battling Infidelity

If you have strong suspect or even evidence that he has been cheating on you, it’s always a rough decision to make….


But this is not the real question you should ask yourself, which I will get to in a second.

This question comes in many forms that simply too complex and can be extremely frustrating. Issues involved range from the fact that he may have all the financial power to your own lack of self-esteem. What are you going to do without him?

Another issue may be the kids, which a separation can potentially leave a harmful mark for them emotionally.

However, the real question you should be asking yourself is: Do I really wish to live my life in quiet desperation?

Think about it this way …. And here come the real questions to ask yourself.

We all know life is short and we should enjoy it as much as possible. Feeling burdened and disrespected by someone for life is definitely not the way to go. Know that you still have a chance to regain your personal strength and freedom. It’s all within us.

As for financial matters, it’s miraculous how well we can become after setting ourselves to become independent and strong. Just imagine that time before you got involved with your lover or spouse. You were independent and strong in comparison.

If you have kids, the situation can be trickier, however realize that even as kids mature, would they want to live under the shadow of someone who does not treat their mother right?

These are questions worth asking and meant for some deep soul-searching.

Only you can give yourself the personal strength to overcome this. Once you do, you’ll thank yourself that you did.

Fact: 75% of Men And 53% Of Women Have Cheated In Some Way Within Their Relationship
Read This FREE Report To Discover The Truth Safely….>>>

Surviving Infidelity

by Guest Author
Dr. Reena Sommer

With infidelity and extramarital affairs affecting over 40% of men and women in relationships, being in a position of surviving infidelity is becoming more of a reality for many men and women. However, the key to surviving infidelity goes well beyond simply attempting to save the relationship or marriage. Surviving infidelity involves taking a very hard look at oneself, one’s partner and one’s relationship. In essence, surviving infidelity in a healthy way may mean moving beyond the relationship because it fails to meet the needs of the people involved.

Two Routes to Surviving Infidelity

Clearly, when infidelity occurs there are two basic routes a couple can take in surviving infidelity. A couple can attempt to stay together and try to heal their relationship or they can end it and go separate ways. Being forced to accept (against one’s will) that the relationship is over because one’s partner has found someone else is probably the most painful choice initially. In this instance, feelings of abandonment, anger and betrayal are major obstacles that must be overcome. However, in this case, there are no options but to accept and move on.

The second course of action which involves attempting to save and rebuild the relationship is the more challenging option since in order to be successful, the infidelity and the reasons for it need to be dealt with honestly and sincerely. The healing process is difficult because each partner is hurting in different ways and the desire to blame the other often stands in the way of progress. If not contained, it can also poison the relationship altogether.

The Challenges of Surviving Infidelity

Independent of the route taken, the most challenging aspect of surviving infidelity is coping with the uncertainty of its outcome. Even the most stable individuals acknowledge having to struggle with the roller coaster feelings that flow from infidelity. Without a doubt, the journey to surviving infidelity is a difficult one. The challenge is to come away from the experience psychologically and emotionally intact and hopefully with greater insight into what is important in life and love.

To learn more about
surviving infidelity:

Check out the “Anatomy Of An Affair” eBook here