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The Scoop On Anxiety Panic Attacks Symptoms

Posted on: October 28, 2008

In trying to shed some light on anxiety and panic attacks, this is something that affects millions of people worldwide, and even though it can be treated, many try to get by without it. If your symptoms when having an attack is not featured in this article, don’t worry about it. Because we are all made up differently, your symptoms can be different to someone else. • Sweating – This is your bodies way of regulating your temperature in the hopes of cooling it off. In the event of anxiety or panic, your body will excessively sweat in an attempt to bring your body temp down in case of a strenuous situation.

• Cotton Mouth or Dry Mouth – This is more irritating than harmful. If you feel your mouth getting to that stage make sure that you have some cool water with you to keep your mouth wet, or carry some sucking sweets in your pocket or purse to stimulate saliva production.

• Can’t get to sleep – Not being able to sleep, or insomnia. This is one of the most harmful of the anxiety panic attack symptoms. Your body needs regular sleep to function properly. Lack of sleep leads to aggression, not being able to concentrate which can affect your personal and professional life. Try to get your normal sleep pattern back and if that does not work, you need to seek professional help as soon as possible.

• Head Aching or Pounding – This could also be a side effect of the lack of sleep. Most of the time, headaches are caused by the constant tension that builds in your muscles especially around your neck and shoulder area. Go to a doctor or pharmacist and ask them to prescribe some medication for tension, or alternatively get someone to give you a relaxing massage.

• Feel like you have just run a marathon – Heart palpitations are quite normal when in a state of panic. The sudden surge of adrenaline increases the rate of your heart. It should return to normal once the anxiety has passed.

As I said above, these are just a few of the anxiety panic attacks symptoms. Don’t feel that if you are not having any of these feelings, you aren’t having an attack. There are excellent treatments out there and you must never feel like you have to suffer in silence.

About the Author

Did you find this information about anxiety and panic attacks helpful? If you want more detailed information about the causes and treatment, there are some natural alternatives that can help.

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